Monday 20 July 2009

Im graduated

tml is my big day ^^

Though it would be a simple and less merrier one...but im glad that im officially graduated with a desirable degree classification.

Thank you dad, mum, sisters and brother, my uncle ong ong, my xiang gong and many of you who have supported me spiritually!!

I'm gaining weight these few days by eating things that I wont normally eat, because of the reasons - Im not coming back and I wont be able to eat those foods again and the homemade chocolate cake (I finished it this morning ^^). In addition, I'm trying hard to clear my food storage...I have to try hard to lose weight when im back :S Ooh ya, Tuesday I must eat subway for the does appeal to me! kakaz.

Today I spent alot on cosmetics. Never underestimate the cosmetics cost for girls...Dad, I'm sorry for keep spending so much T_T

Hope that today's weather can be maintained till tml!! I need a good weather!!

Hope that tml xiang gong will capture a good angle of me..heez.. xiang gong, this angle looks good and slimmer =P

'you've proven that success comes to those who dare to dream. Congratulations.'

1 comment:

小米 said...
