Thursday 27 January 2011

She is ugly

Well, things can be quite brightful now. However, I can't endure and agree her behaviour. She is really UGLY, from the heart.

Though I dislike her and minimise the contact but my new colleague starts showing dissatiscation to her. I, pray for the peacefulness in the office...

Although i'm really angry for not respecting our decision and keep me out of the event that I have been working hard on. I dunno what's she planning and I do not wish to guess what's her next stop after backstabbing. I do not fear, I have done everything right and now I have someone to stand one line with me.

She is ugly!! She does not know the beauty of respect and too gan chiong will really mess things up! I think she does many charity work to cover up her sins during office hours. That does not help, ok?

I should really start saving hard and learn investment in case I dont like the job anymore I can quit without financial burden! Or she backstabs me till I lost my job XD

To myself: No worries, rabbit is kind to me =)

Friday 5m TOTO, at least 1M is mine then I can quit the job anytime and fulfil my dreams =))

Monday 24 January 2011


2011 来了,1月很快又要走了,接下来迎接我期盼已久的兔年!


旅行已不能成为必然的事情,它已被推为Something you want, not you need.



开始了解为什么这里的Singapore pool永远都排长龙,永远都不缺西装打领带的人在排着队...

Sunday 16 January 2011

I love sausage, no?

I supposed to have yoga lesson each Thursday but I'm getting more and more tired each day after working. Last Thursday, I fell slept at 7.30pm and hence missed my yoga. I had missed it 2 times out of 4 lessons so far!

Now, he starts having dissatisfaction towards HER and called me up on Friday 11pm and I hit the énd bottom at 1am+. Basically he shows his dissatisfaction to HER, and he feels i have no heart to learn from him. HE and SHE both will be having real conflict soon, no? they are not giving and taking steps which both have the same characters. I dont want to be the one sandwich between them. Help~~

Now, I'm trying to convince myself that I like making sausages. I dont mind the meaty smell and I'm strong enough to handle the process. This skill will be helpful for future career prospect. Therefore, I will be studying the history and theory after working and learn the practical thing from him during working hours! I hope I make the right choice. This is not my interest but when opportunity comes, I should grab and learn it!

so, sausages making in the morning and sausage research at night!
I know I'm hardworking girl, I love sausage!

i know different types of european sausages and asian sausages.
i know how to cook and smoke and its parameters and processes.
i know the different casings and the origin.
i know the additive, the usage, the regulation and the supplier.
i know how to pronounce the sausage name.

i know i know everything about sausages, frankfurters!
I'm the expert~! I will be !

Tuesday 4 January 2011

2011 来咯!


1. 我要变美女,并有良好的体重管理。

2. 我要努力存钱挣钱为下个梦想奋斗。

3. 我要做个出色的厨师。

4. 我要做个精明的女人,包括财务消费处理等等...hohoho...

5. 我要买Oven,学烤面包。

6. 我要学包饺子。

我的2010 new year resolution是以上...

1. 有变美一点点。。体重管理还不错但仍在努力中,而我也相信这永远是我的continuous and top new year resolution each year...

2. 有存到钱,也仍在继续努力中...其实也算达到了梦想的一半!yeah!

3. 出色的厨师嘛,没达到。呵呵

4. 还要继续努力

5. OVEN 不再出现在新年愿望里了,除非我搬进自己的家..

6. 没有学到。


至于旅程,我很谦虚地说,我只去了曼谷和香港。两个都是所谓的购物天堂。都好玩,曼谷的衣物很便宜,买到很过瘾;香港的化妆保养品实在便宜,依然对sasa & bonjour 念念不忘~





可以期盼的是,新的一年会去3个邻国旅行;我会被抽中win a condo的头奖,我将会有新家,让我当个包租婆,那就可以炒老板鱿鱼!哈哈哈