Monday 2 March 2009

Sleeping problem


It has been 1 hour and 40 min on bedd.. argh!

Do I need to take sleeping pill just like my middle east classmate?????

I hope warm milk makes me feel better and exert the calm and relax effect.

Miss home. Miss everyone. Miss Singapore. Miss Malaysia.
Dislike molecular pathophysiology.



There are many causes of insomnia. Stress and depression are two causes that head the list. In Marilyn's case it was stress. When she laid down to go to sleep, her mind started racing. She was thinking about everything that she had to do the next day.

Insomnia generally comes in one of three varieties:

* Insomnia Type 1 is where you have difficulty falling asleep when you go to bed.

* Insomnia Type 2 is where you fall asleep easily but wake up to early.

* Insomnia Type 3 is a blend. You may fall asleep easily or with difficulty and then wake up frequently during the night. [WHaT I'M HaViNg]

The end result is that you receive far less healthy sleep than your body requires. Being deprived of sleep interferes with your ability to think clearly, process information and find solutions for the problems that confront all of us on a daily basis.

Lack of sleep impairs your immune system as well as your body's ability to process blood sugar which may help lead to weight gain. Sleep deprivation also leads to an elevation of stress hormones in the body. Of course, this is circular. Stress causes us to have insomnia and the insomnia then causes greater stress. Depression can also be a cause of insomnia as well as the result of insomnia. How much sleep do we need to interfere with this negative cycle?

[]for 20 suggested solutions to cure insomnia. I drink warm milk,i have been trying to sleep at the same time,sleep in dark and ventilated room and comfy bed,listening to gentle music etc. What I need to do is deep breath always,imagine peacful scenery,feel all my stresses are losing out from my toes and fingers,do something relax b4 sleeping, try not to make my bedroom as workstation (this is the hardest part),and more.

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