Thursday 5 February 2009

The weather

Recently weather turns colder. February is the coolest month in the UK. Probably it is only few degrees difference but as it is more humid, we feel much more colder. I 'smoke' more. Lowest goes to -4degC, i think. Well, Newcastle is much more warmer than any part of the UK. At the same temperature, I think I will 'cool die' in Edinburgh and Glasgow... Edinburgh is really cold >_<
After travelling to Edinburgh, Sweden and Spain, I dont really feel too cold here. Start wearing lesser when I go out. Get used to the weather. Well, by the time I used to the winter, it is almost time to Spring which starts end of the March. Looking forward to Spring, will we get to visit tulipsfield in Holland? May or may not. It is kinda busy during that period, final year project dateline is 1 May.

Staying near campus is great. Recently I wear my pyjamas and jeans to library, just to print assignment and hand in. Of course, I put on a jacket that covered my pyjamas top. Heezz... What I wear inside doesnt really matter cause I seldom take off my jacket. Opps, definately not in lesson where u will stay warm in the class for few hours.

As the winter proceeds, the sun starts setting at later time. In Nov and Dec, it is dark after 4pm but now sun only sets at 5pm. It is good though. Sunrise time has also become earlier than 8am. Meaning we start having longer sunshine. I love it.
I'm still looking for more snow..give me one more snowie day in Newcastle before winter ends.

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