Friday 13 February 2009

Have sex at 12 and be a dad at 13?

I'm doubtful. What has the world gone around? When is your first sex and how much knowledge do you have about protected and responsible sex? pls equip the knowledge before you have any!

Everyone knows that European coutries, esp UK and Sweden (As far as I know), their social and welfare benefits are extremely good, as compared to Singapore and Malaysia. Unmarried mum doesnt need to worry about - how to grow their children as government will support them financially. I guess that is the main reason why sweet couples dont want to get married even they have children.

Look... When you just start stepping into puberty and you get your girlfriend pregnant! Will u say u will be a good dad? I wonder what the CHILD's (i couldnt address him as dad) knowledge about sex and growing up a baby??? I wonder how the gene's goes in the baby where his dad is not fully grown up physically and mentally!!!

Baby-faced boy, 13, becomes a father and insists: 'I'll be a good dad'
By Daily Mail ReporterLast updated at 10:39 AM on 13th February 2009

A 13-year-old boy has become a father, it emerged today.
Alfie Patten is now a parent to Maisie Roxanne after his 15-year-old girlfriend Chantelle Steadman gave birth four days ago.
The baby-faced 4ft teenager said he was determined to be a good father even though he has no money and only occasionally gets pocket money from his father.

'I don't really get pocket money. My dad sometimes gives me £10,' he told The Sun.
Alfie, who lives with his mother Nicola, 43, in Eastbourne, was 12 when Maisie was conceived after the pair had just one night of unprotected sex.
The birth of Maisie has prompted outrage with former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith highlighting the case as a 'tragic example' of Britain's social decline

Mr Duncan Smith, who runs the Centre for Social Justice think tank, said: 'I don't know about these particular families but too many dysfunctional families in Britain today have children growing up where anything goes.

He added: 'It exemplifies the point we have been making about broken Britain. It's not being accusative, it's about pointing out the complete collapse in some parts of society of any sense of what's right and wrong.

'There is no opprobruim any more about behaviour and quite often children witness behaviour that's aggressive, violent, rude and sexual.

'It's as if no one is saying this is wrong.'

Twelve weeks after Alfie and Chantelle had sex the 15-year-old schoolgirl discovered she was pregnant after she started suffering stomach pains and went, with Alfie, to the doctor.

'He [the doctor] said I should tell my mum but I was too scared. We didn’t think we would need help from our parents. You don’t really think about that when you find out you are pregnant. You just think your parents will kill you,' Chantelle told the paper.

They kept the pregnancy a secret for a further six weeks before Chantelle's mother Penny, 38, became suspicious about her daugher's weight gain and swollen belly.

Alfie said: 'When my mum found out, I thought I was going to get in trouble. We wanted to have the baby but were worried how people would react. I didn’t know what it would be like to be a dad. I will be good, though, and care for it.'

Alfie's father Dennis said his son wanted to be a devoted and responsible father, but did not fully appreciate what he had taken on by having a child.

He told The Sun: 'Everyone is telling him things and it’s going round in his head. It hasn’t really dawned on him. He hasn’t got a clue of what the baby means and can’t explain how he feels. All he knows is mum and dad will help.

'When you mention money his eyes look away. And she is reliant on her mum and dad. It’s crazy. They have no idea what lies ahead.'

Dennis, who has nine children, added: 'When I spoke to him he started crying. He said it was the first time he’d had sex, that he didn’t know what he was doing and of the complications that could come.

'I will talk to him again and it will be the birds and the bees talk. Some may say it’s too late but he needs to understand so there is not another baby.'

He said Alfie had wanted to be the first to hold his child.

'He could have shrugged his shoulders and sat at home on his PlayStation. But he has been at the hospital every day,' he told the paper.

A short video clip posted on YouTube today Alfie, who looks no more than eight years old, can be seen cradling his daughter as Chantelle looks on.

The schoolboy appears extremely young for his age - his voice has not broken and his monosyllabic answers to questions indicates his immaturity.

Asked on the video what he will do financially, Alfie replies: 'What's financially?'
The question is then reworded. 'What will you do for money?' Alfie answers: 'I don't know.'
After finding out that Chantelle was having their baby the pair decided against an abortion and on Monday - after five hour's labour - Chantelle gave birth to Maisie Roxanne, who weighed in at 7lb 3oz.

In an interview with the Sun today, Alfie promises to be a good father but admits he can't really afford the child's upkeep.

Alfie said: 'I didn't know what it would be like to be a dad. I will be good though and care for it. I thought it would be good to have a baby. I didn't think about how we would afford it. I don't really get pocket money. My dad sometimes gives me £10.

'When my mum found out, I thought I was going to get in trouble.'

Chantelle and Maisie are living with her parents Penny and Steve, who is unemployed, at their council house in Eastbourne, which is shared with Chantelle's five brothers.

Alfie lives on a nearby council estate with his mother Nicola, 43, but spends much of his time at the Steadmans' home. He even keeps a school uniform there so he can go straight to school from there.

His father Dennis, 45, who works for a vehicle recovery firm and has had nine children himself, admitted Alfie did not really fathom the enormity of what has just happened.

'He could have shrugged his shoulders and sat at home on his PlayStation. But he has been at the hospital every day,' said Mr Patten.

'He hasn't got a clue of what the baby means and can't explain how he feels. All he knows is mum and dad will help.

'When you mention money his eyes look away. And she is reliant on her mum and dad. It's crazy. They have no idea what lies ahead.'

He described his son as a typical 13 year old, who enjoys computer games, boxing and supports Manchester United.

Chantelle, who went home with Maisie from hospital yesterday, told the Sun that she was nervous going into labour but excited now her daughter had been born.

'I know we made a mistake but I wouldn't change it now,' said Chantelle. 'We will be good loving parents. I have started a church course and I am going to do work experience helping other young mums.'

Her mother has accepted life will be difficult for the teenagers.

'I told her [Chantelle] it was lovely to have the baby but I wish it was in different circumstances,' said Mrs Steadman.

The omens for Chantelle and Alfie in the long term do not appear good. Britain's youngest known father is Sean Stewart, who was 12 at the time his girlfriend Emma Webster gave birth to their son in 1998. They broke up six months later.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Sex education is extremely important and it should start as early as possible?!


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nie said...

