Sunday 27 September 2009

Just to release....

Where's my job???

God will lead me to the way, right?

Sometimes I can be too depressed that I want to stop hunting jobs.
Let me be the society rubbish.
Or I should have known a rich guy and get married to be shao nai nai...muahaha
but, you know, the fact is cruel.

That day, one of my SP classmate asked me: How many months are you prepared to be jobless.
I answered: I thought only one month...but it's going to be 2 months. Now, I foresee at least 3 months.

I heard of at least 2 people, one is fresh grad and another one is food technologist with almost 10 years experience, both waited 4 months before they started the recent career path...

Argh... #$%$$%#$@

My 'sent mail' indicates that I have sent out 23 job application emails, this excludes those applied via email/website...



小米 eMiLy said...


nie said...
