Friday, 10 October 2008

Famous Places to go..


著名的Angel of the North (the largest sculpture in Britain, 10th anniversay on this year), St James Park (2nd largest stadium in UK), Gateshead Millennium Bridge - the world's first and only tilting bridge...


然后,再去York, Birmingham, Sheffield, Nottingham, Liverpool, London 等等..heezz..

给我多点时间 =)

快点把书读好,assignment do it on time...

I'm in UK!!! Study smart and play hard..tHis Is AlWayS mY waY..hahaa..

P/S: 教授今天给我去年他们的slides, go through with me, 我觉得好多了...所以会更努力的啦!不会让你,你们和教授们失望 =)

OOPS, 今天是我爸爸的生日,台湾的双十节,要打电话回家了.. 祝我的爸爸生日快乐,要健康快乐。虽然爸爸有我,就很开心了.haha.. 今年要怎样逗爸爸呢? hmm...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From what i know, St james park not the 2nd largest stadium. Biggest stadium is Wembley stadium ard 90,000 seats and 2nd largest shld b old trafford stadium ard 76000 seats. Old trafford is Man U stadium and St. James Park stadium is Newcastel FC's stadium =)