Wednesday 3 June 2009

i'm academically free!!

Firstly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to h2, evan, x8, ning ning, chou didi, xiong jiejie, nana, crab crab and my dear dear who have been showing the encouragement in the previous entry. Not forgetting busier net and fx and those who constantly visit my blog but did not show yourself.. you know who you are =) who i may not know who you are =(

[wonder how the visitor numbers boom to 111 in my blog really have so much visitors?? show urself pls..heez]

Eventually, I've get it over.
the madness of study and molecular pathophysiology.

I cant remember if i were to have a strong inner voice kept acting as an antagonist of my study signalling molecules during poly days. The study was heavily about molecule signalling pathways, countless of them that my head is still filled with all those molecules, kinases, pathways, reactions, chemical names, diseases linked to the pathways... This is just part of the molecular, there is still carcinogenesis, oncogenes, tumour suppressor genes, retinoblastoma, toxin, micrabial adherence, biofilm.... I need sometime to rearrange the scramble information in my brain.

small incidence during the exam..the exam was 3hrs. after 1hr plus, my classmate (ang moh auntie) was the first one to pass up the paper (btw, it was near 100 students taking this paper, mainly biomedical students)... I was very surprised. then i continued answering my question...after 2hrs, i went to toilet, then i saw her sitting in the toilet, like... crying?? but we couldnt talk due to the presence of invigilator... I wonder what happned lah. gotta find out next time... too nervous??

The exam was held in St James church, still within 10min walking distance, nothing fabulous- old, hot and not too spacious church and the size of the table was half of the one took in Lipman building. I guess the possibility to pass the paper is high, I hope and pray so. Degree classification will be released on 2 July. Yes, I may not know the result, instead I would know my degree classification directly. That's what a final year entry student expect.

Anyway, a degree is good enough for me. no more studying. I'm reluctant to take exam anymore. .. ... though my dad was joking to sponsor me for Master, he's really joking, hours ago. The first hand thought about self-declared graduation was shared with my dearest parents. Btw, today (tuesday) is their 25th wedding anniversary in lunar calender ^^ Wish they can hold their hands together for another 25years. hmm...i dunno when's the last time my dad held my mum's hands. Gotta ask him to hold her hands on coming 9 June, the wedding anniversary for 'english calendar' ^^

Let share a news about Malaysia University. University Science Malaysia (USM) is now the top university in Malaysia which starts their own students recruitment this year, to select the best students. Unfortunately, it's a shame that the uni made 'administrative/technical' mistakes by uploading additional 4000+ students. My sister is one of the victims. So, she has to be waiting for the real university acceptance. Otherwise, she is the potential nutritionist too. USM speaker has promised to guarantee a 'uni place' for these unfortunate (or fortunate?) students. Not sure what's and where's her TRUE university profession and place, which should be known by 15 June. More news about the USM enrolment mistakes click here (english), and here (chinese).

Then, after the exam, i was awarded with the freshly made muffins. it was much more presentable and delicous, no doubt :D. I should learn how to make too. I guess no hassle for me too =D

Yea, she was not around in her room, just left a love letter and a note for me ^^

sorry, the brain was only able to produce those genes, transcription factor, signalling pathways kinda words.

haha ....

I gotta catch my sleep soon...after like 36 hours without sleeping?? -1hr sleep from 5.30am to 6.30am today.

Loads of exciting things to settle - about the honeymoon trip, the job, the application, the holiday etc...

FYI, we will be away for our 16 days honeymoon trip next Thursday (11 June), which is most likely the last europe trip for the year. check the blog out on 27 June =P

I will definately miss blogging for the 16days^^

So good to be academically more assignments, projects, research and exams!!


Anonymous said...

haiz...i use wei's name to encourage u de lor...mana tau u cant recognise me via my word...sad

nie said...

haha..sori loh..i was chatting w him. i tot its him ma...

then thx super lovely fei bao bao..muahahaa