Saturday, 11 April 2009

Hogmany Party 2009

I'm bored with the writings...

Self-entertained by editting some photos using photobucket...
That was my first time using DSLR, end up having lots of blurred images T_T

Part of my memorable days in the UK...

Dated 4months ago...We're freezing cold in the Edinburgh...I was wearing 6 tops and still feeling DAMN COLD!! With double hand gloves, I just kinda reluctant to take photos... That was the time I missed My & SG the most, and realised how comfortable Newcastle is.

In addition, I realised that is also an Enormous difference in the defination of 'Happening'. Edinburgh Hogmony party is claimed to the most happening and biggest new year celebration party in the UK and probably famous in the Europe too. Well, the party and 'happening' were so-so. But the scottish people is really fun and lovely. The further north of the UK, the friendlier the people are. This is absolutely true.

Here is where we viewed the stunning castle fireworks.

Lazy to edit liao...

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