Thursday, 30 April 2009

Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Absence makes the heart grow fonder- be it a lover or family relationship.

A sudden reflect about long distance relationship. In my first quarter (possibly) of life, I've experienced numerous of long distance relationships. Since young, we were apart with parents for 4 years; after 17years old, I've been keeping long distance relationship with parents and family and now, undergoing 11 months of long distance relationship with my love one. Nevertheless, I'm grateful that all these are part of my life, which intensify the colour of my life and strengthen the relationship connection.

From BBC: It suggests that we need to keep communicating

  • Staying in touch regularly is the key to surviving a long-distance relationship.
  • Use a variety of ways of communicating - email, telephone, text message, letter, etc.
  • Send little gifts - to show how often you think of each other.
  • Make some surprise calls - make the odd call just to say "I love you."
  • Send regular pictures - this will help your partner keep a visual record of what you're up to.
  • Keep a diary - then share it with your partner each time you meet.

In fact, I've been doing all these to him, and less frequently to parents who have negligible technical access/time. In my case, a dairy is basically referring to my blogs.

Soon, its time to reunion. Not sure if I would ever overexpect the reunion moment? Hope I dont... I'm not worrying about family reunion as I've been dealing with it since 5years ago. Wao, it has been almost 5 years since I left home!!

BBC: Beware the reunion anticlimax
When you get to see each other again, chances are both of you will have built up great expectations of how fantastic your reunion is going to be. However, the reality often doesn't match up to the fantasy.
Many couples feel disappointed and frustrated when things aren't as they'd hoped. You may also find that rather than making love all day there are awkward silences or even arguments.
You can prevent this by making sure you've talked about how you want the reunion to be and recognising that the anticipation is often better than the consummation! And remember, it may take time to get used to being around each other again.

Absence can make the heart grow fonder when you use the time to show your partner how much they mean to you. [I'm sure we have been showing enough]

Alright, my fyp is also related to social and distance issues, thats why I have a little bit of thoughts.. ok..i gotta be back to my work again! btw, today, when my english teacher was assessing my project for the grammar part, she told me that the project is very interesting and great effort has been putting in, considering this is an individual project... How good if I'm gifted with good english writing skill, then I can beautifully present my FYP, which contains quite a bit of social and psychological part... anyway, both supervisor and english teacher have been showing great satisfaction on my literature review which is very very interesting to them (and also myself), seems not so much on discussion part?? Hmm...trying hard to improve the discussion part...

Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Funny photos at Keukenhof

Sorry i slack again :S

Sometimes I do feel glad that my camera had no batt at the flower garden, cause I have quite a few of photos taken by them.muahaha... Ok, I admit that I like being taken, sometimes, when I look good..haha.. few funny photos ...

I changed my posture quickly after spotting someone was shooting me!

So u know why I stand like that... haha

I love these pictures speak for me.

I do love how sue takes the natural photos. She can press the button speedily.

Swine Influenza

Important Information for Northumbria University Students

Swine Influenza – The Facts
As of today (28.4.09) confirmed incidents of Swine Influenza have been reported in Mexico, USA, Spain and Britain. In the USA, Spain and Britain they have all been mild cases of the influenza virus
Advice from the UK Government Health protection Agency is that for most people the illness is mild and is treatable with anti viral drugs.
Sensible precautions

Returning from a country affected by Swine Influenza
* You must monitor your health closely for 7 days after your visit to the affected area.
* You do not need to isolate yourself from other people if you are feeling well
* If within the 7 day period you develop a feverish illness accompanied by one or more of a cough, sore throat, headache and muscle aches you should contact your Doctor (by telephone) or NHS Direct (0845 4647). Advise them of your symptoms and the fact that you have returned from an affected area. They will then organise investigations/further treatment as required.
* It is very important that you avoid contact with other people as much as possible until the results of any tests are confirmed and then if Swine Influenza is diagnosed, until symptoms have disappeared following treatment.
* Follow government advice on travel outside of the UK – this can be found on the Foreign & Commonwealth Office website

Good Hygiene Practice – Stop the Spread of Infection
* Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing.
* Use a tissue when possible and dispose of dirty tissues promptly and carefully
* Wash hands frequently in hot soapy water to reduce the spread of the virus from your hands to face or to other people
* Clean hard surfaces in your residences regularly (e.g. door handles) using a normal cleaning product

* These are similar to those of normal seasonal flu and can include:
* Fever (temperature of above 38 degrees Celsius)
* Fatigue
* Lack of appetite
* Coughing and sore throat
* Diarrhoea and vomiting (though this is rare)

This is available from your Doctor. The virus (H1N1) is sensitive to and can be treated with antiviral drugs of which there is a plentiful supply in the UK.


Received above email from school. I have been being vegetarian since I'm back from holland. I will avoid eating Pig products from now.

Dun worry about me. Im fine here.

姐,跟大舅和大家说,我没事~ 不用担心~

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Windermere-Lake district 25April

Picture sequence is terbalik =X

It was a raining day... It only turned good weather as the first picture shown when we were on the way back at 4pm... (Btw, here turns dark at 9pm now) It was so cloudy in the earlier hours that photos taken are not very nice =X or blame my lousy photography skill =P I want blue sky and white clouds!!

Really no where else can be compatible w tulips in Holland...

We spent one hour to reach the kaki bukit from the coach parking area, and took 20-30min to hike to the Ordest Peak View point located at 700+ m above the sea level. Alot of walking that day because we didnt want to spend £10+ to hop on the cruise which brings you to Ampleside and view nice scenery along the lake...

Envy the lovely old couple had such a lovely lunch there... Since we lost our way, the time was insufficient for us to enjoy the scenery and lunch there. We had to leave there soon after we took enough of deep breath, to relax ourselves for few minutes, and couples of photos.

The scenery can be nicer if the great sunshine were there... You would see orangie mountain peaks at the other side... why it rains...

Only 2 of us in this track, fortunately someone (in different route) direct us to the correct direction, else we would really lost in the forest...

multi layers flower?

5star guest house

There are ranges and ranges of guesthouse there. And the guesthouses are rated with different stars. I thought only hotels are rated, there, in lake district, guesthouse/bed&breakfast are all rated... Look nice leh... Shall stay there next time (dreaming...)

Is this sakura? wonder wonder


死定了,还有两天要交1500-2000字的report, 还有星期五要交的fyp!




快点把功课做好,尤其是30credits 的fyp!!!


说真的,今天发呆的时候,发现这里真的很自由... 回去哪有这么自由悠闲呢?
像今天可以发呆一整天,想睡就睡,想上网就上网, 想吃就吃;





Monday, 27 April 2009

We are married

Got back all the photos... and I was told to upload these 3 photos to officially announce the good news that WE ARE MARRIED =P

After photo shooting, we will be heading to France for our honeymoon in June =P
Ok, i know I look fat, ugly and tired >_<
just for fun...
though crab asked me to dump someone and be hEr Bride...haha...

Sunday, 26 April 2009



btw,以上的幻想是這輩子不能實現的...因爲從小就窮,而且有人說我這輩子會嫁給窮小子 >_<


天啊,回到功課上!! pls!!



More photos

Get back crab's photo, added little photos from hers and my small camera's photos. Waiting to get back Sue's and Cyan's photos!! Please enjoy the flowers and flowers!!

How exciting when I saw tulips on the screens in Amsterdam Airport!!

obviously not our tripods.

jialat,im still indulging myself in the world of flowers and tulips..gotta back to work!! all works due soon!!!

back back back!!

but i reali love those flowers...