Wednesday, 30 April 2008
Entry Requirements : Visa Required
Length of Stay Without Visa : 30 days
Enquiries for Application : Embassy of Lao's People's
Democratic Republic in Kuala Lumpur
Remarks : All types of passports (Dipplomatic,Official and Ordinary) are allowed to enter without a visa for 30 days as of 1 July 2004.
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
2。买背包、neck/waist wallet、雨衣
4。买Lonely planet
还有,终于完成cari的Krabi 游记...这张是谢幕的照片...
思考仍然继续中 脑袋却总是缺少词汇来完成想法的叙述
或许 自己没有勇气完成那些词句
思想 有种属于僵持的状态
文字 也是属于僵持的状态
... 思绪混乱 ...
Friday, 25 April 2008
Thursday, 24 April 2008
哪里知道还是一样... 每天没事做... 每天上网溜达...每天很无聊眼睡....
日子还是很难过,不是为了我的机票着想,我会留下来吗?忍多3个星期.... 那很快... 真讨厌这样无所作为、无所事事的自己... 3个星期很快就可以脱离这份工作,也就表示3个星期后就看不到他了... 5味参杂啊!
British Airways 2-ways one year validity.. SGD1736, 跟旅行社买更贵,问了很多很多家,都是18++ 到1994元,天啊!
不过,目前的决定是来回,British Airways, 只要有包吃,应该没那么难决定... argh! 其实真难决定...不要问我为什么那么难决定,因为有太多因素... BA的customer officers 有够奇怪,打了3次电话,结论有出入、luggage limit 有别、更改回程日期手续和收费等等...
另外,觉得赚钱又要存钱真的很难,花钱很容易。存了一年的钱,就在这两个月内花掉了... 折回马币要去旅行,换了500多英镑,还有英国来回机票,户口里就真的是剩零!7、8月还要回来搞签证、合约、学校住宿等等的问题... 还要一小笔生活费用,要找part time支撑一个月才行...
我忍... 我省...
Monday, 21 April 2008
一个梦- 过程不一、结局雷同
这次的对象,从妈妈换成爸爸。过程不一,结局雷同。被枪射死,到底何解?这次,是自己不愿记得细节,还是记忆体不容许我记得?细节都忘了...记得,那间屋子、那把枪、那幕... 后来,警员为我们重建屋子,妈妈独自一人在屋里遥望他们曾经期待的景色,他等不及,她只剩一人。
Thursday, 17 April 2008
1 to 1 AN-Nie Sharing
Wednesday, 16 April 2008
The 10 most hazardous foods—and how to eat them healthfully
The 10 most hazardous foods—and how to eat them healthfully
by Sally Wadyka for MSN Health & Fitness
When you think of “dangerous” food, it probably conjures up images of eating slugs and bugs on “Survivor.” But most of the estimated 76 million Americans who experience food borne illnesses each year are sickened by nothing more exotic than fruit, vegetables, grilled chicken or coleslaw at a summer picnic.
Here, the top 10 foods you want to consume with caution.
Alfalfa Sprouts
The danger: “Sprouts are at the top of the list when it comes to potential problems,” says Michael Doyle, Ph.D., director of the Center for Food Safety at the University of Georgia. “The conditions for producing sprouts promote the growth of harmful bacteria.” In order to grow sprouts, the seeds are soaked and kept moist—a prime breeding ground for bacteria (salmonella is the most common illness associated with sprouts).
The safer solution: While Doyle reports that some researchers are looking at ways to test the water in which sprouts are grown in order to identify batches that are contaminated, it is not yet a foolproof system, and recalls and illness outbreaks are still common. Growing sprouts yourself at home is also no guarantee of safety—the same conditions that breed bacteria in commercial sprouts can exist no matter how careful you are. Washing sprouts does not clean away harmful bacteria, so the only way to guarantee safety is to cook them. “Unfortunately, when you cook them, they pretty much disappear,” says Ruth Frechman, R.D., a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association, who nonetheless mixes sprouts into cooked soups and stir-fries.
The danger: The good news about eggs is that it’s the rare egg that will make you sick. “About one in every 10,000 eggs has salmonella,” says Frechman. “It’s a very low risk, but you never know when it’ll be your egg.” And since the infection can be laid inside the egg, the only way to eradicate it is to thoroughly cook your eggs.
The safer solution: Avoid raw eggs (like in cookie dough or Caesar salad dressing) as well as undercooked ones. Runny eggs are a potential danger zone—to be safe, you want to eat them well-cooked and solid. One option: look for eggs that are pasteurized in the shells. The pasteurization kills any bacteria that might be present so you can safely eat your eggs soft boiled or over easy.
Rare Burgers
The danger: Eating raw or very rare beef is always a bit risky. Beef has the potential for carrying salmonella or E. coli contamination. And even when the meat is produced under the most ideal conditions, there is still a risk that it can harbor bacteria. The only way to fully guarantee that it is bacteria-free is to buy meat that has been irradiated. And ground beef is more risky than, say, a steak, because it is handled more, and after being ground it has greater surface area on which to harbor bacteria.
The safer solution: While a rare burger is defined as one cooked to 140 degrees or below, a burger has to be cooked to at least 160 degrees in order to kill any bacteria and be considered safe. At 160 degrees, a burger will look more brownish than pink in the center. But Frechman recommends using a meat thermometer to check your burgers before serving to ensure you’ve cooked them enough.
Packaged Greens
The danger: Leafy greens—including cut lettuces and spinach—have been responsible for several outbreaks of disease and product recalls in recent years. One of the biggest scares was the 2006 E. coli outbreak that was eventually linked to bagged spinach that sickened 199 people and was responsible for three deaths. There are many ways that bacteria like E. coli or salmonella can infect produce—from infected animal feces that infiltrate the water or soil or from handling procedures during the picking or packaging. In most situations, washing the produce will not wash away the risk.
The safer solution: “Packaged greens are not more likely to carry contamination, but it is possible that you could have less likelihood of contamination if you properly prepare a head of lettuce than if you bought it pre-packaged,” says Doyle. He suggests that head lettuce, such as iceberg or romaine, is most likely to be contaminated on the outer leaves, so it’s possible to remove those outer leaves, wash your hands, cutting board and knife, then prepare the rest of it. In the case of leaf lettuce and spinach, it is all equally exposed to contamination, so there isn’t much you can do to minimize your risk.
The danger: The primary cause for concern with sushi is the presence of parasites—tapeworms, flatworms and roundworms, for example—in the fish. Eating sushi and sashimi at restaurants where the chefs not only know how to purchase the best fish, but also know how to identify and remove parasites during preparation, can help minimize the risk, but no raw fish can be guaranteed safe. And dipping it in soy sauce and wasabi may have a mildly antimicrobial effect, but it’s not likely to ensure a completely safe sushi meal.
The safer solution: Cooking fish to at least 145 degrees for a minute or more will kill any parasites residing in the fish. But then you no longer have sushi! The only way to eat it raw and still be sure it’s not harboring any parasites is to eat fish that has been frozen before it became sushi. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration recommends freezing fish to an internal temperate of -3 degrees for at least 15 hours in order to kill parasites.
The danger: Raw chicken is a notorious carrier of salmonella and camplylobacter bacteria. It’s fairly easy not to serve chicken that’s contaminated—just make sure you cook it thoroughly with no pink showing when you cut it open (no one wants their chicken served rare anyway!). The biggest risk factors for getting sick is not from eating the chicken, but from cross-contamination during your prep and cooking.
The safer solution: Be careful when handling raw chicken. After cutting it up, immediately wash the knife, cutting board, the countertops and your hands to eliminate the risk of spreading the bacteria to other food in your kitchen. And when you bring the raw chicken outside to put it on the grill, take that plate back inside and get a new one on which to serve the cooked chicken.
The danger: Old wives’ tales aside, it appears that mayonnaise really isn’t all that risky. But because myths abound about food poisoning at family picnics caused by mayonnaise-laced salads, slaws and sandwiches, the condiment still made our list—if for no other reason than to debunk those myths. “The FDA standards for commercially prepared mayonnaise mean it has to have a certain pH and acidity that was developed based on studies to kill salmonella,” says Doyle. “So putting mayonnaise into a salad can actually have an anti-microbial effect.”
The safer solution: Homemade mayonnaise is still as risky as the mayonnaise myth would have you believe. So if you do make homemade mayonnaise, be sure to keep it—and anything made with it—refrigerated at all times.
The danger: A recent recall of cantaloupe imported from Honduras because of salmonella contamination has focused attention on the melon. The rind that encases the fruit may harbor the bacteria, but it is easily transferred to the edible flesh inside once it’s cut up.
The safer solution: Doyle reports that some producers treat the exterior of melons with steam to kill the bacteria without affecting the inside of the fruit. But there’s no way to know if you are getting one of these treated melons. Washing the skin may help, but with so many cracks and crevices in the rind, it’s not necessarily an effective solution. You can be careful with the way cut-up cantaloupe is stored (at home or at the store). “Harmful bacteria can thrive and multiply at room temperature,” say Doyle, so he recommends steering clear of any cut fruit that isn’t kept refrigerated.
Unpasteurized Cheese
The danger: Unless you are getting your milk fresh from the cow, chances are it has been pasteurized—a heat treatment process designed to kill bacteria (including salmonella, listeria and E. coli) present in the milk. But even those who wouldn’t think of drinking unpasteurized milk may be unknowingly eating cheese made from that same untreated milk. Many soft cheeses—including brie, feta and goat cheese—are unpasteurized. Because of the risk of contamination, it is recommended that pregnant women, children, the elderly, and anyone else with a compromised immune system avoid eating them.
The safer solution: Steering clear of unpasteurized cheese is as easy as reading the label. “The ingredients will clearly list whether the cheese contains pasteurized or unpasteurized milk,” Frechman says. And while those unpasteurized versions can be delicious, just know that you are taking your chances.
The danger: It may be the ultimate in convenience to swing by the salad bar and choose from a wide array of ingredients that are all chopped up and ready to mix into a customized meal. But letting someone else do all the prep work can result in some unhealthy surprises. “The biggest factors contributing to potentially unsafe salad bar food are foods that aren’t kept hot or cold enough, handling of food by workers with poor hygiene, and refilling partially used containers of perishable food with fresh food,” says Doyle.
The safer solution: Be sure your salad bar food is kept at the proper temps (cold food kept cold, hot ones heated sufficiently), that workers practice safe food handling, and that enough people buy food there to keep the supplies fresh. Also, Frechman cautions against salad bars that don’t have a “sneeze guard” to protect the food from airborne bacteria.
Updating my life
Yesterday Director came but he did not keep a smile constantly. We knew "today is not the day" since his first step into office. So, after reporting matters, I did not raise my resignation. Let's wait till his next visit which could be one or two weeks later. Afterall, I only need one week notice upon resignation. I'm determined to make my last day on 14 May 08, so I have enough time to do my China Visa.
I thought I'm just wasting time here, facing the computer, pretending busy but eyes glue on cari, Msn chatting room, and blogging. I'm supposed to do more research on air tickets and backpacking but I don't feel good to do such things in office. Leisurely msn and cari-ing is a better option.
The worst thing is, after formatting laptop, I cannot connect to the internet. I need to wait xiaojiu to find out the WEP password and I'm actually reluctant to ask him as he is busy... I can't webcam chatting with him, I cant do my research... gosh... It persists for more than 2 weeks since I formatted laptop...
Lastly, world is wonderful with love. A smile makes a day merrier =p
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Monday, 14 April 2008
blur blur的同事
我回: 是啊,我是moody...
她傻傻地说: 我就是看你moody.. (原来只是要对我说,不是大家,而我是moody而已)
把外公要动手术的事情粗略地告诉什么时候都看起来blur blur的她,真的担心,我不在了,她能够接手这里的一切吗? 能够应付情绪多变化的 Director 吗? 能够应付众多安娣吗?
每个中午, 对刚捕鱼回来的外公,我们四个小瓜总是这样齐声嚷着。因为外婆说:要提醒外公。 小学的3年多,外公就是喜欢我们这样吵吵闹闹的吧?
外公规律地冲凉、吃饭和睡个午觉后,就开始捕网。我的童年回忆,除了被监视般地读书,就算心没有在书里,眼睛也要黏住课本,不准睡午觉、不准看电视等等之外,就是外公的渔网。渔夫日晒雨淋,跟渔网、渔船相依为命。 修渔船,我看不到,我们总是严禁出门;捕鱼网,我常看到,就在外公家外的空地上。我们孜孜不倦地念书,外公就是孜孜不倦地捕网,他专心的表情,我很喜欢看。
Friday, 11 April 2008
很久以前 一直跟时间赛跑 奈何从未定胜负
从这里看是我赢了 她却指着我的鼻尖说我输了
倒数5个星期 就是工作满一年 也是这份工作的最后一天
这段日子里 我想 自己输了
在工作上 我达不到自己的要求
是逃避现实 还是筑梦 其实两者兼具
朝九晚五的日子也磨灭爱趴趴走的性格 其实也开始接受时间和金钱的约束
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Friendship since first day of Poly.
Ultimate gathering- Eeling, Andy& Cheryl are missing.
One day in the end of June 2004, I entered one of the classroom located at Block 1A, level 3 or 4. A banner quoted: First Polytechnic in Singapore, makes me proud of being the student. And this kind of great feeling never ends even I graduated for years.
After briefing by Ms. Toh, my first semester class tutor, I introduced myself to Cheryl who sat next to me. Suprisingly, she stays in Aljunied too. Then, we came to school together everyday. After briefing, I walked towards MRT station. Alvin came and introduced himself too. Here are first 2 friends I met in the first session.
Till first day of school, after searching hard for the classroom at T4 for Spreadsheet lesson, friendly and charming fengxiang introduced herself too. Soon, she intro eeling who in Malaysian too. Learned the spreadsheet and I sent my first email using SP account to FX, who was next to me. Here are how I met my gang and we worked together for IDEA projects and many project work.
Sadly, the joyful year 1 ended so fast. Though some of us chose Food Option, but we were separated. None of my gang went into same class with me. Here I met another fun gang who made my days for last 2 years.
So, here are just little memories how we met. And it happened 3 years plus, going to 4 years in coming June. Time really flies. Last Friday, we met up for dinner at Cafe Cartel, Plaza Singapura with them. Some have not been seen since Graduation Ceremony on 27 May 2007!
This is pretty nienie, standard posture with foods
SzeWei, the most gam-key guy. A nice guy indeed. Like his gan-xing words =X
Alvin & Tze Wei, one is going to Aust, one is in NTU.
Tiang, still very zhuai~ hehe~ but lovely~ Look for a better one =P
Janice, stressing over exam now. She always praises me. Super lovely.
Fengxiang, I grade her as the best lady-creative, good temper,friendly, generous... countless to name her good characteristic. Ahem, have to watch out diet. haha! jiayou for ACCA!!!
Monday, 7 April 2008
目前最重要的是 中国签证
奥运会的逼近 使得申请中国签证也有所限制
根据网络资料 新加坡的3个月Single entry收新币60 而马来西亚的1个月Single entry收马币30。
Ik Chin @ Merlin Tower 收RM80
-为了控制入境中国的外国人,只批准single entry.
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
2张5月22号从新加坡-越南的虎航机票 TR 328
Singapore 22-May-2008 1250 hrs
Ho Chi Minh City 22-May-2008 1350 hrs
Ticket Fare SG 59.98
Taxes and Surcharges SG 120.00
GST (if applicable) SG 0.00
Total Fees SG 5.00
Total Cost SG 194.98 ( $10)
*Insurance Policy Number :8C320763
Chiang Mai (TH)Tue 01 Jul 2008, 1105 hrs
KLIA-LCC Terminal (MY)Tue 01 Jul 2008, 1450 hrs
2 Guest 2,078.00 BT
Airport Tax 1,400.00 BT
Administration Fee 470.00 BT
Fuel Surcharge 1,280.00 BT
Sub Total 5,228.00 BT
Total Amount 5,408.00 BT
Total Paid 5,408.00 BT ( 180BT)
*Insurance Policy Number :8C321255